Marco Polo Video Walkie-Talkie, an Instant Video Messaging App for Busy People

July 3, 2019

What is Marco Polo App?

Marco Polo- A 13th-century Venetian explorer who traveled to India and China?  Known for the book The Travels of Marco Polo? No, I am not talking of the traveler Marco Polo. Marco Polo? An American game played in swimming pools in the US? No, no. I am not talking about the kid’s game Marco Polo. Neither is an online game by Yukata “The Voyages of Marco Polo”. What is my concern? It is to talk about Marco Polo App, a video walkie-talkie, and an instant video messaging app for busy people. So, Marco Polo is a fun app that lets you send and receive videos through computers and mobile devices. It has changed the entire communication scenario using state-of-the-art communication technology.

Marco Polo is driven by one heartfelt purpose—helping people feel close“,  Vlada and Michal Bortnik of Joya Communications, said in a joint statement. To note, Joya Communications is the parent company that has developed the app Marco Polo. Now, this is one of the most popular mobile apps around the globe.

Video: The Travels of Marco Polo, Amazing and funny

How does the idea of the Marco Polo App come?

It is the story of a young couple starting their family, having a few months old daughters, and the next was expected.  They wanted to model something special for the kids. Also, they wanted to show their kids what it looks like to work on something personally meaningful. Moreover, that creates a big difference in the world.

It was really meaningful to Vlada and Michal Bortnik of Joya Communications. Living and staying closely connected to two lovely children made them proud parents and they felt themselves more important than ever. The family and friends, everyone wanted to see the little children and watch them grow. 

The creators of the Marco Polo App, themselves have told the story on their official website. This is, really, a motivational one and I could not resist bringing it to the readers. The intention behind writing this is to show how a heartfelt purpose can give you an idea that can be converted into a business opportunity.

What was the problem that prompted to development of an App like Marco Polo?

There was a problem and the young parents came out to solve it. So, what was the problem? The Polish family was living in the US,  five thousand miles away from their homeland. They did not want to just send the occasional photo or text of the kids. Moreover, the couple wanted their family to be part of their kids’ lives. They thought of Video calls but that didn’t come as a great option. Their family spread across the US, and other parts of the world, living in different time zones. Hence, coordinating different time zones was a challenge for Vlada and Michal Bortnik. It became a barrier to feeling close with the near and dears.

Michal Vlada Bortnik, Creators  Marco Polo Video Walkie-Talkie App

Michal and Vlada Bortnik, Creators of Marco Polo Video Walkie-Talkie App Source: Flickr

The idea of meaningful connections for happiness

Bortnik couple were researching happiness and came to know that having meaningful connections is one of the key elements to feeling happy. This new information added to the flavor of solving the problem and ideas began to percolate. 

How was the idea of the Video Message App Marco Polo generated?

Bortnik couple were continually thinking of something great that can bring happiness. The purpose of helping people feel close was to hammer both minds. And the time clock has stuck for the idea of the great app. The idea converted their dream into a reality after many iterations. As a result, the Marco Polo video app came into existence.

Now, the creators of the Marco Polo App hope that it will bring you closer to your family and friends too.

How to use Marco Polo for instant video messaging? 

As stated earlier, Marco Polo is a video walkie-talkie or an instant video messaging app.  How to use it for video messages? At first, one has to sign up with their name, mobile number, and email address, as usual, to be a member of the App. Then, log in to Marco Polo App to find friends already using this application and request their mobile contacts. Using the contacts on the home page of the App, users can click start a video chat.

You can join a group or groups. Group members have access to all of the videos in the chat history. All the group members have the right to watch all the videos posted by any group member. Remember, it is right to watch, not to own. Additionally, the settings include a video calling feature. Users can also respond to messages instantly like a walkie-talkie. Moreover, there is an option to send a video reply whenever convenient.

If you want to share your current location with your friends and family you can simply do that by hitting the Marco button. It shares your current location using GPS. Marco Polo allows you to select intended friends from a list of friends and you can share the message with them.

Marcopolo App- Redefining the communication channel

All living creatures, from the smallest Amoeba and Protozoa to the blue whale, the biggest have their own way of communication. In the evolution process, Homo Erectus has developed its communication system to evolve as Homo Sapience. The race has continually been evolving and so has communication. The human race has crossed a long way in the evolution process from the stone age to the modern age. Marco Polo, the video walkie-talkie is only a big addition on the go.

The human is the only species in the animal world that has a well-defined language. The language mechanism enabled the race to communicate clearly and explicitly. Further, different devices invented over time have added value to the skills. We know, historically, how trumpets and other musical instruments were used by the tribals and the military to communicate with each other. Later on, electrical and electronic devices have made it quicker, faster, and clearer. Marco Polo, the instant video messaging app is one of the latest editions that recaptured an old idea based on simple scientific principles.

How Does Marco Polo App Work?

In walkie-talkie conversations, audio signals are converted into electromagnetic signals using a microphone and other devices. The receiver, on the other hand, acts just the opposite way, converting electromagnetic signals into an audible sound manifested through a speaker.  Marco Polo instant video message app or a video walkie-talkie uses a similar principle. However, it does not limit to audio signals only but acts on audio-visuals. 

Can you imagine a world where there was only face-to-face communication, living in the age of the Marco Polo app?

How to Use the Marco Polo App?

Marco Polo App Security is robust as such applications ask users to send their contact details to servers before connecting with their friends. Such applications also ask the users to upload their address book to know which of their friends already have apps like Marco Polo installed on their devices.

How to Change Voice and Edit Video on Marco Polo App?

Yes, there is an option to change voice and edit video in the Marco Polo app. People may hesitate to send a video when they don’t look good. Marco Polo does fine in those moments.  It doesn’t matter if you are not looking good. You have the flexibility to filter your videos. In addition, you can change your voice to a lower pitch via voice changers. However, you will sound like a robot in those cases.

Marco Polo App Text and Video Messages

Thanks to Marco Polo, it is private, free, and unlimited. Moreover, It is easy to send text messages. Also, it allows the creation of as many groups as required to send and receive text and video messages.  In addition, you can use voice, camera, doodles, and filters according to your choice. 

You can do many more things if you like to do so. The list goes long; sending videos, initiating a conversation, coordinating a plan, or telling stories and sharing moments. You may also have a walkie-talkie style of real-time chatting.  Marco Polo App gives you real comfort allowing you to respond at your convenience. 

Many a time, on the go, your hands are busy doing other essential tasks. The hands-free feature allows you to connect without using your hands. You can hear the voice and see the facial expressions of your counterpart while walking.  Similarly, you can show yourself and have a verbal chat. This is a nice option in the App that enables you to express yourself completely without text messages. You need just a click for intended communication. 

The last but not least, you can save the video chats in Marco Polo Video App and watch them later. It, especially, is convenient for busy people. 

Concise Comparisons

Despite providing resources, the modern age has snatched time and leisure from the human race. People are busy and using on-demand apps like TaskRabbit for their routine work. They have no time to meet personally with near and dears. Technology-driven communication channels like Marco Polo has built with the purpose, and come as a blessing at this time. These types of mediums have given everyone a facility to get set with global communication. 

An increase in virtual communication (An augmented reality?) mediums has replaced face-to-face or verbal conversations. A burning question that embarrasses many- are we losing the personal touch essential for humans? Thanks to the new technology helping us in maintaining personal touch via video chats. Of course, this has changed the style of communication. However, this is unavoidable because we have changed our lifestyle. 

We needed quick, efficient, and cost-effective communication with access to more information, and Marco Polo instant video message app has provided that. 

How to Develop a Video Walkie Talkie App like Marco Polo?

The introduction of the internet revolutionized the communication industry. It is important, in developing an app like Marcopolo, to incorporate the advancement in information technology. You need an adequate blending of IT and communication technology to build such a robust application. Moreover, it runs both on mobile devices (Smartphones, tabloids, etc) and personal computers (Desktops and Laptops). Hence, more advanced technology is required to build it. In addition, you need several frameworks and platforms to execute the technology required. 

Moreover, one needs a complex mechanism of project management with agile methodology to execute these throughout the app development process lifecycle. And, this is not a cup of tea for everyone. Only a team of dedicated designers and developers, too, under the guidance of a trained and experienced project manager can develop an app like Marco Polo. 

To summarize, selecting a world-class mobile app development company from the list of top tech companies is advisable to execute the work. So, put the work in the experts’ hands and be relieved!

Frequently Asked Questions about Marco Polo

Does Marco Polo App Use Data?

That’s fine. The answer is both yes and no. It depends on whether you have a wi-fi connection available or not. Marco Polo app can work well both with Wi-Fi or mobile internet. It uses Wi-Fi in case you’re connected to it. At that point in time, there is no requirement of using data while sending and receiving Polos (any files). What if you are not connected to Wi-Fi? Marco Polo app uses data in the absence of Wi-Fi.

Can you download a Marco Polo video?

No, you can’t download a video in the Marco Polo app. The app only allows you to save your sent videos. However, if you are using an iPhone or iPad it’s possible to save videos sent by other people. To save these videos in iPhone or iPad you have to use the screen recording function of the iOS. It will be saved in your Photo library.

Does the Marco Polo App Show location?

Yes, it shows the location. The basic mechanism of the Marco Polo app allows you to show your location GPS. To show just hit the “Marco” button to share a pin.

Can Marco Polo be used on a Personal Computer (PC)?

Yes, you can use the app on your Personal Computer or Mac. To use it on your desktop or laptop you have to download Marco Polo Video Walkie Talkie App.  You have to use BlueStacks App Player or Android emulator to download it. Both software can enable you to download. It is a matter of choice and you can select any one of these emulating software.

Read also: Mobile application development-Questions and answers

Marco Polo App Website

You can visit the official Marco Polo App Website for more stories and information. The website informs, on the Home Page, that there are 1.2 million ratings for the app at the Apple store. Additionally, this is an editor’s choice at the Google play store. The website provides a download option at the top menu. In addition, there are four more buttons at the top menu- Our story, Stories, Contact Us, and Support. There are several reviews, too, on the main page of the website. So, visit the website for more info or download it from Play Store or Apple store.

Get in touch

Written by Jyoti Kothari

July 3, 2019


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