The Major Differences Between ReactJS And React Native

March 15, 2019

The JavaScript frameworks are the hottest topics in recent years. Among which ReactJS, a Javascript library and React Native, a framework are the most popular ones. Even though you can find a lot of similarities between them, they still have some distinctive differences. When you are trying to build native or hybrid applications, you must know the main dissimilarities between them to choose the best technology for your project. Reactjs is a Library of JavaScript Whereas React Native is a Mobile Application Development Framework. Below is a summary of the significant differences between these two frameworks. This will give you an overview of their strong points and the primary variances.

Introduction to ReactJS and React Native

React.js frequently called React or Reactjs is a JavaScript library that is accountable for developing a pyramid of react components for UI. It is primarily responsible for executing UI modules. The library offers support to both frontend and server-side scripting. It is mainly used for managing the view layer for mobile and web apps. ReactJS lets us build reusable UI elements. React.js has a solid foundation and a big community to support. This can be inserted into very restricted segments of code on an existing page. It does not consider the function and design of the page. This allows the programmers to switch codes at their own pace. Conversely, it is vital to note that React requires a runtime library to run powerfully during code migrations.

React Native is a framework for creating native web applications using JavaScript. By compiling the React Native UI components, you can quickly build native modules. React constitutional framework is primarily for making a native mobile app using JavaScript. This consists of native app elements like text navigator and user input which is similar to that of native applications. React Native allows you to insert plugins with a native component. Hence you can link the modules to the device’s functionalities like zoom, and switch using limited memory.

Significant differences between ReactJS and React Native for App development

ReactJS, a Javascript Library:

Programmers using other frameworks might have to do intricate coding while building cross-platform mobile apps. React JS has answered many issues. It uses the JSX, which is a specific syntax allowing HTML codes that can be used to render sub-components easily. These code bits replicate a particular part of the user interface, which can be reused across many web pages. The declarative features of React also simplify designing UI making it unified. It off-loads the burden from product developers so they could make an emphasize business logic and other functions.

ReactJS Native, a Mobile Application Development Framework:

React Native app development process allows you to develop mobile apps using merely JavaScript. It usages the identical design as React, enabling you to compile the UI using declarative modules. The applications you create with React Native are not typical mobile apps. This is because React Native uses the same essential UI building elements similar to standard iOS and Android apps. React Native associates effortlessly with modules coded using Java, Objective-C, or Swift. Hire Swift Developers

It is easy to switch to native code if you need to enhance a few features during your web app development process. Creating React Native apps on multiple platforms requires a diverse process. At times we might need unique configurations for a particular platform.

Both Increase Developers’ Productivity but in Dissimilar Ways.

Benefits of ReactJS:

A convincing intention for using React Native is that it can attain 60 frames per second. By default, React shows many supportive notices. These warnings are very helpful during the mobile app development process. ReactJS has Fundamental DOMS which resolves the performance issues. You can create them and host them in memory. The advantage is that whenever a change is made in the actual DOM, the virtual DOM also tends to get changed. React.js concentrates on its capacity to offer improved performance along with an exclusively managed executing cycle for its components. This improves developer productivity. By scheduling various functions like utilizing resources etc. in a naive way, it enables developers to have more chances to use and make pure abstractions.

Benefits of ReactJS Native:

React native allows you to attain performance comparable to an actual native app. It lets you enhance your app’s performance by incorporating the native code in a few places of your code. You can use the react elements in both Android and iOS apps easily. This arrangement allows you to build apps faster because of which the app will have exceptional performance, and speed as the native applications.

Read more: Javascript frameworks – AngularJS vs NodeJS vs ReactJS

React Native vs Flutter vs Ionic vs Native script vs PWA

Business Advantages of ReactJS and React Native

With the help of code re-utilization, you can save a lot of time and money. While working with React Native the debugging tool makes the process of bug fixing simple and easy. You can utilize the benefits of all the progressions in the Java language and its environment while using React JS.

React native: By extracting some code snippets from native APIs react-native improves the performance of the application considerably. Using the common logic, you can build one application for both iOS and Android easily and effortlessly in React Native. React Native module-based configuration allows the developers to create apps in a more responsive way than hybrid frameworks.

React.js Increases the SEO of the app Whereas React Native concentrates on UI. React.js has been built to improve SEO performance. It makes use of the Node to render on the server of the user. React pointedly decreases page load time offering rapid rendering speed. It can alter its performance as per the browser requirements.

Conversely, as React Native is intended for SEO optimization, it is designed entirely for building good quality mobile UI. The consequential UI is exceptionally receptive. This suggests the application will have quicker load times than a standard hybrid application and offers a good user experience.

The Learning Curve for ReactJS and React Native

React JS: React’s learning arc is considered to be simple and easy. You can effortlessly understand the insights and get acquainted with its structures to create applications. The JS GUI library helps to execute the resources and tasks efficiently. Hence, you can become an expert within a limited time frame to develop highly reactive web apps.

React Native: React Native has its foundation in the React framework. Hence, it is expected that you get familiarized with React first before learning React JS. Before starting with React Native, the learners must know the basics of JavaScript to have a smooth learning experience.

Both ReactJS and React Native, are comparable to some extent only. Most of all they are technologies that work on some similar principles. The deciding factors are the scope of the project and the user’s choice. However, they work for diverse objectives and are not substitutable. So there is no point to compare one against another.

Are you thinking of developing a high-performance app for multiple platforms? We at Vardhaman Infotech, a tech-savvy Company,  are ready to help! Please feel free to Contact Us!

Written by Umesh Palshikar

March 15, 2019


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